Saturday, 5 May 2007

Daniel Chapter 9

April 11, 2007

hello prayer team and friends,

the past couple days i have been really experiencing life in a third world country. we didn't have power for two days, we still don't have running water, and we have had heavy rain on and off...making things muddy, and well, wet. but life has managed to continue inspite of it, though i am badly in need of a shower! last night my english class had our movie night, in which we watched The Lion King! I didn't realize how many Swahili words were in it, but they were all laughing during the song "Hakuna Matata!" The Masai in my class were laughing at Rafaki and the lions, which made me laugh too (they're used to killing lions, not watching them fall in love and save Africa from famines!). We had to watch it using a generator, which took about an hour and ten people to figure out and set up. So while we were waiting we sang African worship songs in the dark. It's beautiful how they can make an entire worship session out of clapping, pounding and knocking on tables, and singing. There is no need for instruments in Africa! Several days this week I came into class and all my students were already there, worshiping and praying together. That blesses my heart beyond words! Africans pray all at once, so I would walk into a room full of voices earnestly seeking God. Absolutely beautiful.

During study hall a lot of my students have been going ahead in their work books, and one of them told me that she doesn't want to miss ANY activities. They are very commited to learning English! So pray that I will live up to the task of teaching it to them. Everyday this week I felt relieved at the end of class, like God had faithfully led the class for that day: one day at a time, and through God's power. And it has to be God's power because I have never done this before! i feel terribly ill-equiped but I know God is still using me, which is very humbling.

Today is saturday, so i went to town with some friends on base and two of my students. i had my first coffee since being here (and i do love my coffee), to lunch, and some errands. Every trip to town is an all day event, with lots of people trying to get you to buy things on the street, lots of barganing, lots and lots of people and cars driving like crazy, and lots of stops because you have to go to a different store for just about everything! i'm finally getting used to it, where i can go to town and not feel completely exhausted afterwards. and i'm getting better at barganing! watch out america, i'm going to bring all the prices down!

I really can't even tell you how amazing my students are, they are teaching me so much. Visiter was one of the students who came to town with me today; she is a social worker for a church/school that is funded by compassion international. She knows some english, and is so eager to learn more. if you feel called to pray for my students by name, pray for her. i think God is raising her up to do great things. Pray also for Mark, because he is called to evangelise to all the Masai villages in his region. This is a big task, and one he is fully capable of fulfilling. He has malaria right now, so pray for quick healing (it takes about a week to get's interesting because people get it all the time, you just have to catch it in time.)

i'm also realizing that teaching english here involves a lot of discipleship: spending time with the younger girls, reading one-on-one with people, eating meals together, encouraging them and getting them excited. pray that God would continue to give me opportunities to disciple my students, and that he would continue to give me the energy to do it!

Earlier this week God showed my Daniel chapter nine, and I realized how much it applies to all of you in your prayer ministry. In it, Daniel is reading the books and realizes that there will be 70 more years of desolation in Israel. 70 years! Another lifetime of war and harship. Daniel is so saddened by this that he fasts, puts on sackcloth and ashes, and prays to God. His prayer goes from verse 4 all the way to verse 19. He earnestly asks God to forgive Israel for her sins and to show her people mercy. I love Daniel's humility in this passage as well, because he confesses Israel's sins as well as his own, putting himself at fault just as much as his nation even though we have seen what a godly life he has lead. While he is praying, the angel Gabriel comes to him and tells him that at the beginning of his prayer a word went out and God sent an answer. Even though Daniel's prayer was extensive, God heard him at the beginning. God sent Gabriel to give him insight and understanding into what was going on. Gabriel tells him it is because he is "greatly loved." God didn't send Gabriel to take the situation away, He sent him to help Daniel understand His sovereignty. I thought this could encourage you all because of God's receptivness and reponsivness to prayer. That Daniel didn't even have to pray for 15 verses, God heard him in the beginning. God's responsiveness isn't always in the form of radical change, or retracting his plan, but instead, may be in giving us understanding and insight into His sovereignty. This was also encouraging to me, because Daniel was one man representing an entire nation, and God heard and responded. We spend time each week praying for peace in Africa, and praying that God will raise up godly leaders for this nation. Even though we are few, God still hears our plea on behalf of an entire nation. So know that God is sovereign, and both receptive and responsive, because YOU are greatly loved by your creator.

Thank you for your prayers and God bless,

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